Festival drug deaths and onsite drug testing
Today has brought news of another tragic death, at a music festival, that is suspected to be drug-related – this time, at the Leeds music festival [Link]. “The Loop“, which provides onsite front-of-house drug-testing and counselling services, was not in attendance (and it had not been invited to attend). The Loop is renowned as the UK’s 1st and (currently) only ‘drug checking’ or ‘drug safety testing’ service to the public that is staffed by a team of volunteers that include chemists and pharmacists who are committed to reducing the UK’s record drug-related death rate [Link].
No drug-testing service could ever guarantee a death-free event, but the evidence is mounting of its effectiveness as a harm-reduction service. Most festival-goers have long passed into adulthood and they exercise personal autonomy. They do not want to be patronised, or advised “be careful about what you’re taking”. What they do want is information – even if that includes onsite drug testing.